Monday, February 9, 2009

Updates......sort of.

It's been a few days, so if you are following us, please accept our apologies. For those interested, we are not yet open for business. We are planning on opening our doors officially in April, and we will be located in Lombard, just north of 64 on Main St. If you have any questions, or just want to be in the loop and receive notification, or just want to say, "what's up?" to some super stand up guys, send us an email, or at least leave a name in the comments section so we know who to address. Thanks again, and we look forward to meeting all the future CF DuPagers.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Totally Awesome

So the WOD for today was 30 muscle-ups for time. But I guess that wasn't enough, so I had the bright idea to do it with a 20lb vest. Not my brightest of moments, but I reigned triumphant and kicked the crap out of it, albeit rather slowly. I quite often have these dumb ideas, and we'll be certain to make it a regular fixture of CF DuPage. Any ideas, send them my way, and we'll be sure to give them a go.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Coming Soon......

Thanks for visiting CrossFit DuPage. Chances are if you are reading this, you've been talking to one of the special ladies in my life, my wife or my mother. We are working hard to get this place going from overseas, and we are anxiously awaiting the the day we get to open our doors and start forming a community of athletes. We will provide updates of our progress as they come, and post a little bit more about ourselves. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to send an Email to either John or Nate, and we will respond promptly. Though please realize that there are many definitions of "prompt", and we are 9 hours ahead of central standard time. All joking aside, we plan on being open for business in early to mid April, though sooner is still possible. Cheers
