Monday, October 26, 2009


CrossFit's fitness is broad and general by design. There's lots of ways to put it. Maybe you want to increase your work capacity across broad time and modal domains? Or, be prepared for the unknown and the unknowable? Perhaps you want true competence in all 10 general/physical skills? Or win a hopper challenge? My personal thoughts about CrossFit's fitness: I will absolutely be physically suited to survive a zombie acapolypse. Will you?


Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 Minutes:

4 Chest-to-bar pullups
6 Clapping pushups
8 Standing broad jumps 6 ft/4ft

Post rounds completed to comments.


  1. 10 rounds! This pleases me.

    For push ups I only did deep, full push ups on my toes and tried to make the up very explosive - when I tried clapping ones on my knees two things happened: I seemed to be rearing back into more of a table top and felt I was using my legs more; friction burns on my knees. Used gravitron for pull ups.

    Kept hearing your voiced in my head "Are you giving it everything you've got, everytime?" Don't know if this is good or I'm becoming a schizo!


  2. Way to go Kelly!

    ...about the voices, if it helps you perform your best and go your hardest, don't fight it. Keep up the good work.
