Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I want to put it in context of CrossFit and training in general. We all have goals, and sometimes things stand in the way of us achieving our goals. Sometimes it is another person actually living to crush your dreams. Most of the time, it's who you least suspect. Most of the time, the one crushing your dreams is you. Success in the gym will primarily be determined by what you do outside of the gym. If you have a goal that you want to achieve, ask yourself a few simple questions:

Am I eating real food?
Am I eating enough real food?
Am I getting enough sleep?
Am I drinking enough water?
Do I know how to do the basic, but essential movements, like the squat, deadlift, and press? Do I give everything I have every time I set foot in the gym.

I'll repeat that one.

Do I give everything I have, every time I set foot in the gym?

If your answer was no to any of these questions, it's time to get on track. Ask John or me how we can help. That's what we're here for.


Four rounds for time of:

Walking lunge 50 Steps
Sit-ups, 50 reps

Post time to comments.


  1. Love it. what if the answer is yes to those, but the missing question is, "am I getting to the gym enough?"

  2. Touche' Eric. I always enjoy your insights. If you scour the CF message boards, there is a 30 something page doc with scores of workouts requiring nothing but yourself. Also, if you can hold it in your hand you can do a turkish get-up! how's fatherhood treating you?

  3. Nate,
    Have the doc and have added a few compilations of my own to that list. I still need to work on my overall strength though.

    Fatherhood is great! Ronan is growing up so fast. He gets his exercise everyday. still working on the sleep thing, but as experiences go, its the best thing I have ever done.

    I hope your family is doing well.

    have you gone to the inverted burpees (first official CFDupage workout) again? I pulled them out a few days ago. similar experience but this time i finished all 100. Thinking about doing that again but adding a HSPU at the end.

    Again, I learned a great deal there and I hope all of your cross fitters are doing the same!
