Friday, November 6, 2009

Saturday, how hard would you go if your life depended on it?

I want to take a moment or two to talk about intensity. We hear about it all the time, everytime you step in the gym, you should be awash in intensity. It's part of the definition of CrossFit-constantly varied, functional movement, performed at HIGH INTENSITY. I capitalize that because that is the variable that sets CrossFit apart from other training programs. The harder you go, the better it works. That burning sensation in your arms, legs, lungs.....etc., that means it's working. What I am getting boils down to a few simple things.

1. If you don't get a little nervous before a workout, you aren't working out hard enough. It's called exercise for a reason.

2. You are capable of far more than you can ever imagine.

3. "Embrace the suck", just because you're tired and might want to quit or take a break doesn't mean you have to.

Why is this important?

Most of us are ordinary people, but when you become a CrossFitter, you become an ordinary person doing extraordinary things. One day you might have to do something extraordinary that you didn't ask to do. How hard would you go if your life depended on it? Ask yourself that question next time you want to grab a drink of water, or drop off the bar with one rep to go, or slow down on a run. How hard would you go if your life depended on it?


Bottom to Bottom Tabata Squats

20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Each squat will start and finish in the bottom of the squat, and the rest period will be spent in the bottom position. Score is the lowest number of reps in any one of the intervals.

Ex. 13-14-12-15-14-17-15-5. The score would be 5 since it was the lowest.

Post scores to comments and go hard.


  1. Ok after yesterday's WOD I think now you are just being mean.

    And cruel.


  2. Running Pullup clock. 19min complete plus 12 on the 20th min. 202 total. PR


  3. 9.
    embrace the suck. the understatement of the year.
